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VISIA® Complexion Analysis

With Visia Complexion Analysis now available at Shell Laser MedSpa, we are able to provide our patients with a whole new level of innovative skincare that is completely customized to meet each individual’s unique needs and desires.


Visia is an exciting system that takes side-by-side images of your face and analyzes the condition of your skin to show you what the naked eye can’t see. Visia is able to reveal various subsurface skin imperfections such as brown spots, wrinkles, red areas, and UV damage. By finding and highlighting these spots during a personalized complexion analysis, we are better able to recommend skincare treatments and customize them to treat your specific concerns.

Different skin textures shown due to age, and damage using Visa Complexion Analysis

With features such as Visia’s TruSkin Age™ assessment — which determines your skin age — patients can learn about the unique condition of their skin and better determine what should be done to maintain a youthful appearance or stop the signs of aging. We could also use Visia to perform aging simulations, analyze the structure of your skin at a three-dimensional level, create customized skincare reports, and much more.


Our patients love the benefits that come with a Visia Complexion Analysis. With Visia, our staff at Shell Laser MedSpa is able to provide men and women with fully personalized skincare treatments based on the real condition of their skin. For more information on Visia, please give our office a call at (662) 236-6465.